
Entire company ghosting me and withholding my check

About 2 months ago I was fired from a franchise store I ran for a few years. It was horribly ran and a very toxic franchise. I gave that place my entire life for years, and they fired me without warning. Even fought my unemployment (which I won because of the unjust reasons of which I was fired.) I had very little information on why I was fired, as the manchild they recently promoted ahead of me was shaking like a leaf and stammering so badly- AND wouldn’t answer my questions with anything other than “I don’t know” or “ask (regional manager)” nervously. I texted my regional manager straight after I walked out asking for details and never got a response. I texted one of my coworkers and was ignored as well. A week later I texted the franchise owner and asked about my last check and my unused PTO…

About 2 months ago I was fired from a franchise store I ran for a few years. It was horribly ran and a very toxic franchise.

I gave that place my entire life for years, and they fired me without warning. Even fought my unemployment (which I won because of the unjust reasons of which I was fired.)

I had very little information on why I was fired, as the manchild they recently promoted ahead of me was shaking like a leaf and stammering so badly- AND wouldn’t answer my questions with anything other than “I don’t know” or “ask (regional manager)” nervously.

I texted my regional manager straight after I walked out asking for details and never got a response. I texted one of my coworkers and was ignored as well. A week later I texted the franchise owner and asked about my last check and my unused PTO (got the last check a few days later, never got my PTO paid back thanks to Missouri laws) and was ignored. Blocked by everyone.

A few weeks ago I got a text from the company automated number stating that I have an uncashed check from sometime during my employment, and that I needed to email the woman in charge of payroll. I emailed and asked about it, and am being ignored still. What can I do?

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