
Establishing an organizational kick-off platform (feel free to sticky this thread)

We’ve all become furious for a very good reason. I have been around for the Bush protests, Occupy, Trump, BLM, but never have I seen such a large contingent of the population so angry. Then again, I also have never experienced such a direct threat to inalienable human rights before this decision in this country. We have to channel that anger into action, and that involves discipline. We must develop an organizational platform, and we must strike while the iron is hot, while this travesty is fresh on everyone’s minds. I’ll be up front with the following: 1) I don’t believe these rights can be legally restored through conventional political means, and 2) Any attempt to circumvent those means will be met with resistance, and we must be prepared for it. Therefore, we must develop parallel organizations to support the cause and one another, and most importantly, help those who…

We’ve all become furious for a very good reason. I have been around for the Bush protests, Occupy, Trump, BLM, but never have I seen such a large contingent of the population so angry. Then again, I also have never experienced such a direct threat to inalienable human rights before this decision in this country.

We have to channel that anger into action, and that involves discipline. We must develop an organizational platform, and we must strike while the iron is hot, while this travesty is fresh on everyone’s minds. I’ll be up front with the following: 1) I don’t believe these rights can be legally restored through conventional political means, and 2) Any attempt to circumvent those means will be met with resistance, and we must be prepared for it. Therefore, we must develop parallel organizations to support the cause and one another, and most importantly, help those who suffer as a result of this injustice and many others.

I’m not sure if we want to keep this sub as the staging area for direct intervention discussions, or move to a different forum, but we have to be aware of the potential of the Reddit admins to ban us for what we do here. We are well past the point of peaceful protest and this isn’t the sort of topic that is particularly advertiser-friendly. OPSEC is also a good idea on a public forum.

I’m hoping we can, at least, use this thread as a kickoff for initial organization by state/locality for the ability to meet in person. Then, we should all start discussing the goals to be achieved, means of direct action, logistics, and further organizational needs.

I’m in Central NJ, as you might find in my post history. I’d like to start getting together with some like-minded folks myself. Feel free to send me a private message and we’ll take it from there.

Thanks all.

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