
Even local businesses don’t care about you.

I started working at my city’s local co op recently I heard really great things about it so I thought it would be a good fit for me and my many health issues. (Background info, I have a chronic stomach problem that flares up a few times a year) When I got there they told me that they have a 90 day probation policy and part of that policy is you can only call in twice during your whole 90 days before you get a write up, three times you get a verbal warning, and anything after that you are fired. Cool great. In my first two weeks I got the flu and was out of work for 3 days. So I got a verbal warning. I went to speak to HR about anything they can do to help me and they told me that due to my attendance issue…

I started working at my city’s local co op recently I heard really great things about it so I thought it would be a good fit for me and my many health issues.
(Background info, I have a chronic stomach problem that flares up a few times a year)
When I got there they told me that they have a 90 day probation policy and part of that policy is you can only call in twice during your whole 90 days before you get a write up, three times you get a verbal warning, and anything after that you are fired.
Cool great. In my first two weeks I got the flu and was out of work for 3 days. So I got a verbal warning.
I went to speak to HR about anything they can do to help me and they told me that due to my attendance issue there’s not much they can do but maybe a doctors note will help.
So things start going better but my stomach problem begins to start and I now have stomach ulcers that are so bad I haven’t been able to eat or drink much over the last week.
Went to the doctor and they told me that my blood pressure was extremely low and that she was going to order that I stay home from work a few days to try and get rest and recover.
I told her not happening because my job will fire me. She wrote me a note and told me that I NEED to stay home for my health.
Okay cool.
So I tell my managers that I have been advised by my medical doctor to stay home and that I have a note.
Manager and HR didn’t care and told me if I do not come into work then there is a chance I will be fired. I am very dizzy and sick at work but I’m here and I probably cannot leave.
There are definitely other things wrong with this business but I just needed to rant for a second. Thanks.

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