
Ever Had Your Boss Tell You Not to Date?

I just saw a scene in a movie where the boss told his employee not to waste time dating when he should be focusing on work. This struck a chord with me because I've had a boss that told me the exact same thing. He was the owner of a small company that was immensely wealthy considering his personal life was bought through his company while paying the employees peanuts. He told me that dating was just a waste of my time and money because I should be saving and essentially not have a personal life so that I'd be a better employee (less time off). I was in likelihood the most valuable employee at the company as it was in ecommerce and I was in charge of developing their websites, marketing campaigns, all integrations to accounting/shipping/warehousing, along with having to resolve any IT issues that manifested. In retrospect I…

I just saw a scene in a movie where the boss told his employee not to waste time dating when he should be focusing on work. This struck a chord with me because I've had a boss that told me the exact same thing.

He was the owner of a small company that was immensely wealthy considering his personal life was bought through his company while paying the employees peanuts.

He told me that dating was just a waste of my time and money because I should be saving and essentially not have a personal life so that I'd be a better employee (less time off). I was in likelihood the most valuable employee at the company as it was in ecommerce and I was in charge of developing their websites, marketing campaigns, all integrations to accounting/shipping/warehousing, along with having to resolve any IT issues that manifested.

In retrospect I find it appalling that instead of compensating me fairly, my boss had the audacity to “tell me as a friend” that seeking love was a waste of my time.

For anyone that's going to nitpick or troll:

The conversation happened because of requesting time off. I don't believe that taking 2-3 weeks off a year is a bad thing. I think everyone should have a month off per year.

Seeking love is a strange choice of words, but I was trying to be inclusive. I'm not judging. I dated and yeah going out and doing things costs money. Your boss should never cross the line of telling you how to spend your money unless it's some crazy addiction that interferes with work. Dating is not that (or shouldn't be).

I was just curious if anyone else went through the same thing. I know a lot of people are treated as if they are poorly programmed robots if they have any human qualities. Let's all stop letting these people have any control over our lives. We need to be better than this.

So if your boss ever told you to “hunker down” and be a good little robot without a personal life, I'd love to hear your story.

Also anyone in the US? We need to fight for 4 weeks holiday per year like most of the developed world. 0 days is unacceptable. (Yes good jobs provide this, but the vast majority have less. Is someone with a minimum wage job less of a human? Do they not deserve to be able to live, pay their bills, and have time to enjoy themselves away from work?)


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