
Ever notice when someone calls out the STAR technique and similar bs, bootlickers will come out of the woodwork to defend these bigoted practices?

For example this I read through some though not all, it's quite a long post but people fell over themselves to say “oh the neurodivergent are an economic liability to a company”. How do you know that if they're never given a chance to work in the first place? I'm not even neurodivergent afaik but I hold the STAR technique and the mentality behind it which led to its creation with total contempt. It reflects the psyche of a small minded, petty, controlling asshole full to the brim with the shallow vapidness of corporate indoctrination. Anyways, if workplaces hire so many functional “Normal” people, then why are there so many toxic, dysfunctional workplaces? I'll call it out for what it is, STAR self-selects for bullshitters, people who talk nationalistically ad naseum about their “achievements” (the very people you'd avoid at a party) and corporate bootlickers. It discriminates against anyone…

For example this

I read through some though not all, it's quite a long post but people fell over themselves to say “oh the neurodivergent are an economic liability to a company”. How do you know that if they're never given a chance to work in the first place? I'm not even neurodivergent afaik but I hold the STAR technique and the mentality behind it which led to its creation with total contempt. It reflects the psyche of a small minded, petty, controlling asshole full to the brim with the shallow vapidness of corporate indoctrination. Anyways, if workplaces hire so many functional “Normal” people, then why are there so many toxic, dysfunctional workplaces? I'll call it out for what it is, STAR self-selects for bullshitters, people who talk nationalistically ad naseum about their “achievements” (the very people you'd avoid at a party) and corporate bootlickers. It discriminates against anyone who is “different” as in not these things. The best thing to do with HR practices is to burn them all down – undermine and mock them online and partake in a counter narrative that completely sabotages their one.

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