
Ever wondered why the health care system is always completely broke?

I am a power plant worker at a major Canadian hospital, and all the staff I work with are so completely sick of being mistreated by upper management, and so tired of just sitting there while burocratc swine spend large sums of your (taxpayer's) money on completely useless things. Instead of fixing the laundy list of potentially fatal problems that we have. So we formed a union. What's the first thing they do when the government gives them a lump sum of cash? They throw an event to try and dissuade us from our union. What's their method of dissuading us you may ask? Not improving benefits, not giving us better tools or ppe, not allotting us more vacation time. No… fucking free 'all you can eat' crappy store bought hamburgers for a day… goddamn hamburgers. The worst part is, they allowed any member of the public to just fill…

I am a power plant worker at a major Canadian hospital, and all the staff I work with are so completely sick of being mistreated by upper management, and so tired of just sitting there while burocratc swine spend large sums of your (taxpayer's) money on completely useless things. Instead of fixing the laundy list of potentially fatal problems that we have. So we formed a union. What's the first thing they do when the government gives them a lump sum of cash? They throw an event to try and dissuade us from our union. What's their method of dissuading us you may ask? Not improving benefits, not giving us better tools or ppe, not allotting us more vacation time. No… fucking free 'all you can eat' crappy store bought hamburgers for a day… goddamn hamburgers. The worst part is, they allowed any member of the public to just fill up a plate with an ungodly amount of food for $6. So hundreds of random people showed up with coolers and all their extended family, and just grabbed full jenga towers of burgers and hotdogs. While wreaking complete havoc on an already strained facility. Boom! There goes all the tax dollars that could've been used to fix so many things.

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