My job isn’t very hard, it’s rarely overly stressful, I get paid nearly $100k a year to do nothing… but every moment I’m at work I’m dying, not just literally with aging, but my soul.
“Hopeless”: if you asked me how to describe my thoughts/feelings about my job.
It’s hopeless, I have no passion or desire… now I’m am still damn good at what I do (if I wasn’t maybe I’d feel more challenged).
I just want my hard work to matter, I want my decisions to hold real weight & to enact true change at the place I choose to earn a living, my current job is just so stagnant, so stale.
If I work 40 hrs a week and coast, or if I work 80 hrs a week and grind my ass off it doesn’t matter here… besides the extra money for the hours I work there is no upside. And the money isn’t worth it, there’s no value in trying hard bc there’s no reward for hard-work & passion.
I hate my job.