
Every Job I’ve Ever Had Has Drained The Life Out Of Me. How Do I Make It Stop?

I love what I do. I'm a medical office specialist and I handle way more than my job description. I literally keep the entire office afloat, nearly single handedly. We are an urgent care with a primary care office. I'm the senior lead and one thing I handle is the whole building's record requests. I also help the primary care office with their patients, insurance, and more. We are not treated the same, however. Primary care gets an hour break. We get 30 minutes. Yes, that's 30 minutes for an 8 hour shift. I check in their patients, but they don't do the same for us. I handle all their records. They don't do records at all. I also handle labs, CTs, USs, and X-ray. I also handle emergencies all the time and our volume is way more than theirs. The doctors on the primary care side aren't the nicest,…

I love what I do. I'm a medical office specialist and I handle way more than my job description. I literally keep the entire office afloat, nearly single handedly. We are an urgent care with a primary care office.

I'm the senior lead and one thing I handle is the whole building's record requests. I also help the primary care office with their patients, insurance, and more.

We are not treated the same, however. Primary care gets an hour break. We get 30 minutes. Yes, that's 30 minutes for an 8 hour shift. I check in their patients, but they don't do the same for us. I handle all their records. They don't do records at all. I also handle labs, CTs, USs, and X-ray. I also handle emergencies all the time and our volume is way more than theirs.

The doctors on the primary care side aren't the nicest, either. They call my crew names and insinuate that we're stupid and do little for the clinic.

Today, a patient came in for primary care and their line was backed up, so I jumped in to help. The patient's insurance wasn't verifying, but they're on a tight schedule, so I pushed them through as policy has always been. I sent a message to their side about the insurance and also made sure to tell the patient to hand in their paperwork so we could get the rest of the information needed. There was absolutely no reason anything should have been missed. I covered all my bases.

However, my manager was upset because this patient's chart was incomplete. I was asked why that is as I registered them. I explained my process, but because it has my initials attached, it is still my fault even though 1.) I informed the primary care side of the issue. 2.) Gave all the tools necessary to fix the issue. And 3.) The warning appeared to the primary care personnel just as it appears to anyone, BUT they ignored it.

When I asked my manager about why it was ignored by them when they had all the tools to fix it, it was turned back on me with a question as to why I didn't follow up. I answered with I have too much to do to with urgent care alone to make sure others did their job. Their issues also do not appear in my work queues. So, I moved on.

My manager did not like that answer and stated that if we start a registration, we have to make sure it's perfect on our own regardless of where they go. This, my friends, would require me to chase down this patient and take time away from the millions of other fires I have to put out.

I told my manager I wasn't going to help them check in anymore because I can't do all of this as it's too much. If I have to literally go behind others and clean their asses like babies, then I can't waste my precious time on it. I was told that I can't just say no to them. But I reaffirmed that I am and that's final.

My manager got very upset with me and walked away, saying I was being unreasonable, talking over her, and I “always do this”.

I'm pretty upset. I like my manager and I'm not sure where this came from.

This job is my last resort and I don't have any other options. Please don't tell me to find another job. There isn't one. I

But I'm tired of feeling unappreciated, devalued, and stressed out.

What can I do to process the stress in a healthy manner? I don't have a lot of hobbies anymore because my depression has made me indifferent to them.

I just want to stop feeling sad.

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