
Every time I turn a hobby that I loved into a job it starts being stressful and the more I do it the more I don’t like it to the point where I begin to hate the hobby I loved. Anyone else?

I loved programming now I hate it so I tried switching careers to photography. I love photography and when I started shooting weddings and other events for money I disliked it more and more. I thought doing something that you love as a job would be my dream come true but it turns out it's the opposite. I fucking hate working and have no idea what to do and how to change my mind on work.

I loved programming now I hate it so I tried switching careers to photography. I love photography and when I started shooting weddings and other events for money I disliked it more and more. I thought doing something that you love as a job would be my dream come true but it turns out it's the opposite. I fucking hate working and have no idea what to do and how to change my mind on work.

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