
Every time you hear someone say “Nobody wants to do XYZ job anymore” just finish the sentence for them by adding “…at that price.

Honestly, its weird how so many millions of people in the “nobody wants to work” party don't seem to understand that everything is price dependent. Everything. Including labour. Especially labour, I might add, because selling labour is the way that 95% of people feed themselves. Whenever you hear some idiot spouting off their “nobody wants to work” mantra, help them out, by finishing their sentence for them: “We're going to have a food shortage, because nobody wants to pick the produce anymore”…at that price “We have a crisis in elder care, because nobody wants to help old people…at that price” “There's a shortage of doctors and nurses, because nobody wants to do tough jobs any more…” at that price

Honestly, its weird how so many millions of people in the “nobody wants to work” party don't seem to understand that everything is price dependent. Everything. Including labour. Especially labour, I might add, because selling labour is the way that 95% of people feed themselves.

Whenever you hear some idiot spouting off their “nobody wants to work” mantra, help them out, by finishing their sentence for them:

“We're going to have a food shortage, because nobody wants to pick the produce anymore”…at that price

“We have a crisis in elder care, because nobody wants to help old people…at that price”

“There's a shortage of doctors and nurses, because nobody wants to do tough jobs any more…” at that price

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