
Every unskilled job over $20/hr has a digital slave driver

So I’ve realized that any warehouse job I apply to, your performance is monitored digitally by metrics set by “engineers” who can somehow accurately measure how many cases you can throw on a conveyor, or load onto a truck, or palletize products etc. I worked at one place as a selector, and quickly realized that in order to hit their standard EVERYDAY you had to work at a pace as though you were a slave with a gun to your head. Quit and changed jobs. Same deal, pace is impossible to meet unless you work to exhaustion and rush around. Quit. Now I’m on to a 3rd job. It’s probably going to be the same deal. Each job was the same: you have 90 days to hit 100% or you get fired. So what I’ve realized is I’m just going to drag my ass for 3 months and then job…

So I’ve realized that any warehouse job I apply to, your performance is monitored digitally by metrics set by “engineers” who can somehow accurately measure how many cases you can throw on a conveyor, or load onto a truck, or palletize products etc.

I worked at one place as a selector, and quickly realized that in order to hit their standard EVERYDAY you had to work at a pace as though you were a slave with a gun to your head. Quit and changed jobs. Same deal, pace is impossible to meet unless you work to exhaustion and rush around. Quit. Now I’m on to a 3rd job. It’s probably going to be the same deal. Each job was the same: you have 90 days to hit 100% or you get fired. So what I’ve realized is I’m just going to drag my ass for 3 months and then job hop. The pay at my current job is 26.50, previous job was 25.77

It’ obvious these jobs have made it a policy to have an endless revolving door of supplementary workers every 90 days, while a smaller pool of desperate ones will continue to work to exhaustion for “muh incentives”

Ultimately my concern is that there’s now a bifurcation where if your job has no digital slavedriver, you can’t make over 20/hr. The only other way to exceed 20hr is to go into massive debt for a STEM degree or LeArN tO cOdE

That being said, does anyone know any jobs like oilfield etc with no digital slave driver where they pay 25/hr+? I don’t have a problem working and putting in a reasonable effort, but I don’t want to be hustled the fuck around by an impossible to meet standard set by people that are completely divorced from the material working conditions

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