
everyday I feel utterly convinced that selling drugs and cartelling is the best route in life

There's people in this day and age, mostly young men, that have spent between over 1/5 to over 1/3 of their lives in classrooms and enter into college with the hopes that the bachelor's or masters or PhD they could finally have a functional and pleasantly comfortable office job and live a cushiony life, then when they either still struggling to get the degree because a class requires for the degree that's not related to the dream job you like or you get the degree but unable to get hired either because of too many other applicants or you do get that job only to realize that it's nothing that you imagined it to be and it crushes your world being unable to function in it. I'm a university student and 26 years old, I'm majoring I'm government and international policies, I am 12 credits from graduating but uncertain if…

There's people in this day and age, mostly young men, that have spent between over 1/5 to over 1/3 of their lives in classrooms and enter into college with the hopes that the bachelor's or masters or PhD they could finally have a functional and pleasantly comfortable office job and live a cushiony life, then when they either still struggling to get the degree because a class requires for the degree that's not related to the dream job you like or you get the degree but unable to get hired either because of too many other applicants or you do get that job only to realize that it's nothing that you imagined it to be and it crushes your world being unable to function in it.

I'm a university student and 26 years old, I'm majoring I'm government and international policies, I am 12 credits from graduating but uncertain if I'll pass my research analysis class or the 400 level classes even with Excellent rated professors. As far as I see it, I'm still gonna pursue my degree so even if I am unable to get hired due to other hustling applicants that I can show the world that I am at least an educated individual.

I have no aversion to creating and organizing my own drug cartel militia like Los zetas or sinaloa if despite my best efforts to play the game in our society legally and honestly, I already grow weed and shrooms and they sell good. Plus being a drug banditeer it's like living a life of adventure and being the leader In charge of men with guns obeying your orders you get to feel like a sort of napoleon and take over land.

I just refuse to live within the law that I feel has the likelihood of resulting in people like me with aspergers thrown away in society and treated like trash if my parents are unable to sustain themselves and die and I'm unable to find legal employment that I can function in thar meets my educational level and comforts. People always have negative outlooks on cartels for obvious reasons, but cartelling is essential hiring men and giving them guns and ordering them around and time and time again have texas style shootouts with law enforcement and other rival cartels.

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