so. i work at a small local chain that uses an absolute nightmare of a pos system that makes our deposit/cash profit look short almost every single day. this isn’t my problem— or at least it shouldn’t be, but my employer has in the past skimmed off of tips to make the deposit more accurate to what the computer says it should be. she didn’t tell anyone.
but recently, we got a new gm who does the same— but she /did/ tell us, and when i talked to her about it, she said the head of operations, her boss’s boss, told her to do this.
it’s not a lot, but taking $10 from tips per person whenever the deposit is short (again, almost every day) can sure as hell add up. for me it could’ve made it so i didn’t have to choose between eating or paying utilities in the past when i was shorted almost $30.
is this wage theft? where can i report this?