
Everything is designed to keep the working person in his place .

After some philosophing how to put it in words , here you have it : the bare facts . Politics and state will never be separated because they have the same goal : go forth and multiply because we need money . Only the fact that you are allowed to vote in a democracy tells you i doesn´t work . Politicians should represent their clan of people , but only look out for the interests of the rich . Police are here to uphold the laws . What laws ? The laws to keep the working class in their place . Unions are there to negotiate between the ruling class and the working class . At least they should . But they fear for their own job . A job will never pay you enough to live a comfortable life . Why ? Because if they did your boss would…

After some philosophing how to put it in words , here you have it : the bare facts .

Politics and state will never be separated because they have the same goal : go forth and multiply because we need money .

Only the fact that you are allowed to vote in a democracy tells you i doesn´t work .

Politicians should represent their clan of people , but only look out for the interests of the rich .

Police are here to uphold the laws . What laws ? The laws to keep the working class in their place .

Unions are there to negotiate between the ruling class and the working class . At least they should . But they fear for their own job .

A job will never pay you enough to live a comfortable life . Why ? Because if they did your boss would never be certain you will come back tomorrow .

Companies never go bankrupt because of the workers . No profit equals bad management . ( but it’s never their fault , boohoo …..)

Low pay equals dependency . Scraping by means you HAVE to work .

Because there is always the homeless scare hanging over our heads .

Hobbies are discouraged because you might start to enjoy your life .

Things like fitness and sports are encouraged because it will better your performance and it gives the people a nice diversion .
Aka give the people bread and games ………

Privatizing all kinds of otherwise state funded institutions means your health and wellbeing will make a profit .

In other words : it´s all about the money . That´s what it comes down to .

Not you , not me . Just some imaginary numbers on a spreadheet , because real money had it´s longest days as well .

Rant over , just had to put in all in one place .

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