
Ex-boss got pissed because I didn’t want to pay to come to work.

Left a shitty job I had for a little while. Spent 3 months there, which was the “experience period” (dunno how it's called in english) that I had to decide if I'd sign a permanent contract. My provisory contract lasted until the 25th and my team was underperforming, my supervisor said HE couldn't afford more absences from the team for the rest of the month. I reminded him, 2 weeks in advance, that my contract expired in the 25th and I would quit and get my benefits. Now, it was a really shitty job, most people didn't quit because, if they were there, they really needed it, so, for 10 days my supervisor didn't really take my warning seriously (at least once a month someone breaks down and threatens to live) and, noticing that, I reminded him then that I was going to. We sat down, I said I was…

Left a shitty job I had for a little while. Spent 3 months there, which was the “experience period” (dunno how it's called in english) that I had to decide if I'd sign a permanent contract.

My provisory contract lasted until the 25th and my team was underperforming, my supervisor said HE couldn't afford more absences from the team for the rest of the month. I reminded him, 2 weeks in advance, that my contract expired in the 25th and I would quit and get my benefits.

Now, it was a really shitty job, most people didn't quit because, if they were there, they really needed it, so, for 10 days my supervisor didn't really take my warning seriously (at least once a month someone breaks down and threatens to live) and, noticing that, I reminded him then that I was going to.

We sat down, I said I was going to live, that it wasn't a negotiation, I got a better job in another field. He asked me if I wouldn't consider remaining until the end of the month to not fuck with the performance of the team.

I told him it wasn't going to happen, and this is why: If I ended my contract on the final day, I got all my salary of the last 30 days, all my bonuses and all federal mandated privileges which amounted to around 300 units of money.

If I stayed until the 1th and then quit, I'd have to sign a permanent contract and then break it, which meant I wouldn't get any benefits AND have my pay discounted, meaning I'd only get 150 units of money, a week of work worth less money than a trip to HR!

He got pissed, started calling me inconsiderate, that I was going to screw over all my colleagues on the team, that if it was him in that situation he would have the decency to do it.



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