
Ex Boss Lied to Unemployment

I [30F] got fired last July and filed for unemployment. I had made complaints to the owner [F53] that my manager [58F] had been touching me without my consent for months and nothing was done about it. I also asked the managers once a month about why I got paid the regular rate for overtime instead of time and a half and they said it would come out on my next paycheck. It never did and I also began to ask questions why my timesheets were edited to reflect lower hours than what I worked. The owner and manager proceeded to try and bully me into quitting and when I wouldn’t they fired me. I hurt my eye at work the day I was fired and left to go to the dr that day because there was no plumbing where I worked and therefore nowhere to rinse my eye. When…

I [30F] got fired last July and filed for unemployment. I had made complaints to the owner [F53] that my manager [58F] had been touching me without my consent for months and nothing was done about it. I also asked the managers once a month about why I got paid the regular rate for overtime instead of time and a half and they said it would come out on my next paycheck. It never did and I also began to ask questions why my timesheets were edited to reflect lower hours than what I worked. The owner and manager proceeded to try and bully me into quitting and when I wouldn’t they fired me. I hurt my eye at work the day I was fired and left to go to the dr that day because there was no plumbing where I worked and therefore nowhere to rinse my eye. When I got back after lunch the owner fired me and handed me a contract stating I wouldn’t tell anyone about the prior abuse I suffered at her company in exchange for $4k. She and the other manager [M45] who is married to the manager [F58] who was touching me then proceeded to not let me collect my personal items and instead threw them violently in a box with the intent to break them, which they did. I wasn’t allowed to take all of my property either and when I asked for it back over email she threw it next to the trash outside and told me to come get it the next day.
I filed for unemployment and got a little money, enough to get me to my next job and I thought that was the end of it. I then found out that since I didn’t sign that paper for $4k the owner has filed a police report on my social media and they did an investigation which proved unfruitful since I didn’t say anything about her company or give any details of what line of work or where we are located, or even what industry we were in. She’s harassed me on local social media pages publicly that she and the female manager who touched me inappropriately joined just to try and get a rise out of me. I worked for her a little over a year and a half. There were more than just what happened to me on the property, her dog repeatedly bit people on site ripping their clothes and one person got bit so bad they needed stitches but nothing was done. There was no plumbing, and the married managers were allowed to abuse anyone they wanted because they were best friends with the owner and often spent time at her house during working hours just hanging out.
I thought all of this was going to be over after I found a new job but I got a notice that she wants to appeal the unemployment decision. I got papers in the mail that said that she believes I stole a computer and was fired for insubordination. This is the first time I’ve ever heard that I was insubordinate to anyone and I had no previous write ups ever. She personally escorted me off the property and wouldn’t even let me take my own knickknacks there’s no way that I took a computer. When I was fired she gave me no reason for the decision just that she was done with me.
The hearing states that I can have witnesses but it’s a small mom and pop company and she’s told everyone who participates in my hearing will be fired on the spot. She had done this previously before when a lawyer was asking about an injury that happened at the site where an ex employee was disfigured. Is there anything I can do to fight this?

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