
Ex Co-Worker Reaches Out…

I put in my 2 weeks from a ridiculously toxic non-profit a little over 4 weeks ago. It's been 2 weeks since I left and I have been loving it. I quietly left and unplugged from all work related emails, apps, etc. I haven't heard from anyone there outside my friend (who put in their 2 weeks yesterday, hahahaha). Until today… A little after my lunch at my new job I got a text from old coworker who I didn't work with often but was generally cordial. They start asking if I or someone else from my old team could transport some items from one location to another as they are supposed to be prepping them “in a little bit.” I realized the old job did not do the typical “X is sunsetting their time with us” BS email for me (probably related to the hostile work environment they created…

I put in my 2 weeks from a ridiculously toxic non-profit a little over 4 weeks ago.
It's been 2 weeks since I left and I have been loving it. I quietly left and unplugged from all work related emails, apps, etc. I haven't heard from anyone there outside my friend (who put in their 2 weeks yesterday, hahahaha).

Until today…

A little after my lunch at my new job I got a text from old coworker who I didn't work with often but was generally cordial. They start asking if I or someone else from my old team could transport some items from one location to another as they are supposed to be prepping them “in a little bit.” I realized the old job did not do the typical “X is sunsetting their time with us” BS email for me (probably related to the hostile work environment they created during my year with them). So I informed this old coworker that I no longer work there.

They send an “Oh no, I'll miss you” text, but then proceed to ask if I can reach out to any of the ex coworkers from my old team and pass the message along. Like, dude. You have their phone numbers. I know you do. Why are you asking a person who will not be getting paid to do your job? The audacity is what did it for me. So glad I left.

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