
Ex-company fired me for not being creative enough but copied my designs at my current company which was initially rejected by them (ex-company)

So back in July, I was let go by my company since they believe my creativity in marketing & design does not meet up to their standards. Mind you they're very specific about what they want and they only want one kind of fixed design for all the marketing creatives which are hard even for designers to work around it especially if you wish to stand out. At the end of the day, they demand and question how are they not getting enough leads. I've offered them numerous proposals and designs that could break into the market but they immediately rejected them. Fast forward to my new job, my new bosses gladly accepted the proposals & ideas which helped them reach the necessary target they want and even break into the market for it. Ironically, my ex-company immediately copied and paste the entire idea they rejected in the first place.…

So back in July, I was let go by my company since they believe my creativity in marketing & design does not meet up to their standards. Mind you they're very specific about what they want and they only want one kind of fixed design for all the marketing creatives which are hard even for designers to work around it especially if you wish to stand out. At the end of the day, they demand and question how are they not getting enough leads. I've offered them numerous proposals and designs that could break into the market but they immediately rejected them.

Fast forward to my new job, my new bosses gladly accepted the proposals & ideas which helped them reach the necessary target they want and even break into the market for it. Ironically, my ex-company immediately copied and paste the entire idea they rejected in the first place.

Just sharing how funny my ex-bosses mindsets are.

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