
Ex-HR contacted me a month after laying me off to ask for passwords and where things are stored

And I’m so pissed about how much it ruined what was otherwise a great day, full of interview call backs and time with my kid. I don’t have full answers but it would take me less than five minutes to give them suggestions of where to find what they’re looking for but honestly fuck them. It pulled me right back to how I felt when I was working there. Just completely used, disposable and disrespected. If I just don’t reply and block the sender, will this come back to me in any way?

And I’m so pissed about how much it ruined what was otherwise a great day, full of interview call backs and time with my kid. I don’t have full answers but it would take me less than five minutes to give them suggestions of where to find what they’re looking for but honestly fuck them.

It pulled me right back to how I felt when I was working there. Just completely used, disposable and disrespected.

If I just don’t reply and block the sender, will this come back to me in any way?

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