
Examples of horrible managers. My own personal experience.

Worst “Greg” Delicatessen (small business) Smooth-talker, manipulator, workplace bully & lazy The entire background of how “Greg” for the manager position is unknown, but favouritism and entitlement is highly speculated. Whenever “Greg” works, he spends more time in the office on his phone probably trolling negative reviewers, either though anyone who puts a one review would be subjected to extreme sarcasm. Putting “Greg” in full control of their social media pages will drive the business into the ground. That's not all, he harassed and bullied female staffers as “Greg” isn't the best-looked, overweight, and has problems with his anger especially at work. The owner, who appointed him to the delicatessen manager needs to fire him because it becomes a bigger problem. Second-worst “Jamie” Meat manager (corporate) Weasel, disrespectful towards everyone The company made a bad decision, although they knew it and didn't care about how much of a problem he…

Worst “Greg”
Delicatessen (small business)
Smooth-talker, manipulator, workplace bully & lazy

The entire background of how “Greg” for the manager position is unknown, but favouritism and entitlement is highly speculated. Whenever “Greg” works, he spends more time in the office on his phone probably trolling negative reviewers, either though anyone who puts a one review would be subjected to extreme sarcasm. Putting “Greg” in full control of their social media pages will drive the business into the ground. That's not all, he harassed and bullied female staffers as “Greg” isn't the best-looked, overweight, and has problems with his anger especially at work. The owner, who appointed him to the delicatessen manager needs to fire him because it becomes a bigger problem.

Second-worst “Jamie”
Meat manager (corporate)
Weasel, disrespectful towards everyone

The company made a bad decision, although they knew it and didn't care about how much of a problem he was towards employees before appointing him to the meat manager, even if it meant being able to make child support payments. He weasels his way to becoming a manager by throwing everyone under the bus. Unfortunately “Jamie” isn't fit to be a manager, and the runner-up to be the meat manager had more experience, skills, and overall qualifications to be the meat manager because he was an assistant meat manager with his former company. However this decision came at the same time he was dating a cashier, who was warned that “Jamie” was bad news and the cashier ignored the claims and got engaged to him in the end.

Third-worst “Jason”
Meat manager (corporate)
Cocky as hell, thinks he's better, and argues with everyone

The company knew about his behaviour, and like the same company as above didn't do anything. Every time the meat employees work for “Jason” they just want to quit, even though very few have given him a piece of their mind to remind him of how brutal he is and how he ends up getting bounced from store to store. What makes it worse is that “Jason” was doing bag checks at the end of the day and actually put his hand in the female employees's purses, which angered one of the other managers and resulted in an argument in the HR office, with the human resources lady just sitting there taking it in and trying not to have a panic attack. Months later “Jason” ended up being reassigned back to the store, which angered a lot of people and the store manager and human resources lady didn't do anything, despite the claims of improper conduct towards employees.

Fourth-worst “Dave”
Store manager (corporate)
Workplace bully, sad excuse of a manager, and pathetic

The store is a low-end small grocery store, which the location has only been opened for less than 10 years although gas the appearance of being 20 years old because of the unkept parking lot. When the company appointed “Dave” to the store, he had a massively checkered past. Everyone knew about it, which caused the resignation of several key employees. The first dick move “Dave” made was assigning an overnight employee back to days, after the previous manager assigned the troublemaking employee to overnights over being fired because of his behaviour towards employees. How “Dave” ruined the store by wrecking employee moral was going way too far. The always closed and locked office door, more cameras, and him on his walky-talky non-stop raise red flags. Most of the cashiers hated “Dave” with a burning passion after he told the cashiers they wouldn't be allowed to wear makeups at work. I would've loved to still be there to see “Dave” being removed from the store after numerous complaints. It would've been a celebratory experience.

More to come…

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