
Excuse me, Timmy, I’ve got something to tell you; PROTEST.

Look. I get antiwork is anti doing anything or whatever. Lol, you're an interesting bunch. So far it is a lot of things I've seen. But in order to get to the point of working less or ” no work ” if that's even possible, we have to at least do something in order to achieve Get outside tomorrow, the next day, the day after, or all together on April 30th. Protest in the streets of D.C., of London, or wherever you want. Raise signs, post banners, tell your friends, post up signs. Get on Twitter, Facebook, 4chan, Reddit or whatever else you use. Connect with others and protest the fact that your rights are being taken away, you are forced in wage slavery for your entire life for nothing, you are only getting older and wages are continuing to stagnate driving us deeper into poverty, you are told what…

Look. I get antiwork is anti doing anything or whatever. Lol, you're an interesting bunch. So far it is a lot of things I've seen. But in order to get to the point of working less or ” no work ” if that's even possible, we have to at least do something in order to achieve

Get outside tomorrow, the next day, the day after, or all together on April 30th. Protest in the streets of D.C., of London, or wherever you want. Raise signs, post banners, tell your friends, post up signs.

Get on Twitter, Facebook, 4chan, Reddit or whatever else you use. Connect with others and protest the fact that your rights are being taken away, you are forced in wage slavery for your entire life for nothing, you are only getting older and wages are continuing to stagnate driving us deeper into poverty, you are told what you can and can't and can say. We are worked until death to meagerly afford rent and to live and paid nothing, all while being told to work harder.

Everything is poison, cigarettes, drugs, cancer, the food and drinks we eat, the world is going to war. Yet all we're doing while a ruling class is cementing power over us and abusing us and hoarding all the resources and wealth for themselves while destroying our world, polluting it when we are still destroying the environment.

Come on. Fight for your right to exist and be free. Protest the fact you're losing your rights as an individual and everything around us is crumbling. Do something about what's happening to you because the reality is no one is coming to save you or I, so fuck it, do something about it.

If one of us does it, others will come. Sandlot 2. Or watch A Bug's Life. We're all ants.

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