
Existential Crisis over Work Anniversary

I'm on the official unofficial event planning committee. It's complicated. Anyways my coworker hit 15 years at this company in February and one of the managers wants us to get him a gift and I just feel like. Man. 15 years and all you get to look forward to is a fucking gift card and a pat on the back, four months after your actual anniversary. Then I was like, could I fucking survive 15 years of this crap? But actually I'm already at 7 and… for fucks sake, 7 years just blinked by, feels like I'm wasting my life, rotting away under fluorescent lights forging documents to make it look like I'm doing my job (easier to fake than do, I always take the easy route). Is that what the next 20 years will be like? It's so meaningless. I need money though. I literally only survive with my…

I'm on the official unofficial event planning committee. It's complicated.

Anyways my coworker hit 15 years at this company in February and one of the managers wants us to get him a gift and I just feel like. Man. 15 years and all you get to look forward to is a fucking gift card and a pat on the back, four months after your actual anniversary.

Then I was like, could I fucking survive 15 years of this crap? But actually I'm already at 7 and… for fucks sake, 7 years just blinked by, feels like I'm wasting my life, rotting away under fluorescent lights forging documents to make it look like I'm doing my job (easier to fake than do, I always take the easy route). Is that what the next 20 years will be like?

It's so meaningless. I need money though. I literally only survive with my bonuses.

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