
existential dread over working for the rest of my life

today was the first day of my first 9-5 job after graduating college a couple months ago. I’ve had a million other jobs before and I worked all through college but there’s something about this that just feels so final, like i’m signing my life away and there’s nothing I can do about it. I truly lucked out and landed a job with (seemingly) really good people, in my favorite city, doing what I theoretically want to do in my field and i’m just so depressed it’s like I can see the rest of my life stretching out in front of me and being taken away. i’m trying so hard to be grateful because I really do have it better than a lot of people but this transition just feels so impossible. is there anything that gives you comfort if you have similar thoughts?

today was the first day of my first 9-5 job after graduating college a couple months ago. I’ve had a million other jobs before and I worked all through college but there’s something about this that just feels so final, like i’m signing my life away and there’s nothing I can do about it. I truly lucked out and landed a job with (seemingly) really good people, in my favorite city, doing what I theoretically want to do in my field and i’m just so depressed it’s like I can see the rest of my life stretching out in front of me and being taken away.

i’m trying so hard to be grateful because I really do have it better than a lot of people but this transition just feels so impossible. is there anything that gives you comfort if you have similar thoughts?

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