
Expecting to finally have a work-life balance and enough money.. I feel like I’m spoiled when my life is rightfully mine

I have been working in restaurants for 6 years and you know those are notorious for negative atmospheres and work-life balances.. I finally found an arrangement and a workplace that might actually not have so much bullshit, might actually give me enough money to enjoy instead of barely saving..get paid every week.. Sunday and Monday off.. I feel like the restaurant industry has given me Stockholm syndrome… and really I haven't been working on myself outside of my career since I was 17.. I'm currently quitting one restaurant and I do not feel like I am on break. ​ I am hearing uber noises, I am seeing customers walk in, I am worried my coworker who is alone wiill get fucked over on my break.. then when I go to my other job at the catering company, we get to have lunch at fucking 12pm for 30 minutes, and have…

I have been working in restaurants for 6 years and you know those are notorious for negative atmospheres and work-life balances.. I finally found an arrangement and a workplace that might actually not have so much bullshit, might actually give me enough money to enjoy instead of barely saving..get paid every week.. Sunday and Monday off.. I feel like the restaurant industry has given me Stockholm syndrome… and really I haven't been working on myself outside of my career since I was 17.. I'm currently quitting one restaurant and I do not feel like I am on break.

I am hearing uber noises, I am seeing customers walk in, I am worried my coworker who is alone wiill get fucked over on my break.. then when I go to my other job at the catering company, we get to have lunch at fucking 12pm for 30 minutes, and have two fifteen minute breaks.. and I am grateful that my breaks belong to ME. No UberEats noises, no work related questions from collegues. I. AM. ON. BREAK. FOR. REAL. There's no dumb teens not showing up for work because they're drunk and everyone there is older, more professional and reliable. My hours are 8-4. There is a lot of staff so I do not have to be guilty about taking a day off for an appointment and I do not have to work doubles anymore. Switching jobs made me go from 19$ to 22$ an hour.

After working random crazy hours, 6-7 days a week, always working on Friday evenings and weekend evenings.. I finally have those evenings off.. now I'm lost…

P.S. Yes I know culinary is not the best path, I plan to switch my career soon!

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