
Experiencing “Quiet Firing” what can I do with my job trying to force me to quit instead of just outright letting me go so that I cant get unemployment?

i work for a school district as a bus aid, we are short over 40 drivers this year as many have quit and i know more that still plan on it when they find another job. my boss implied i would be getting over 20 hours a week but i am only getting an hour and a half of work a day…i have been doing this for 7 years and i am a good employee who cares about the special needs kids i work with…i still don't understand why they are doing this to me but it feels like they are just avoiding firing me so i cant qualify for unemployment

i work for a school district as a bus aid, we are short over 40 drivers this year as many have quit and i know more that still plan on it when they find another job.

my boss implied i would be getting over 20 hours a week but i am only getting an hour and a half of work a day…i have been doing this for 7 years and i am a good employee who cares about the special needs kids i work with…i still don't understand why they are doing this to me but it feels like they are just avoiding firing me so i cant qualify for unemployment

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