
Explain it like I’m 5.

**From an American Perspective** Why should I give a two weeks notice, or any notice for that matter? People always talk about how it is basic professionalism and respect. That it protects your relationship with the employer so you can use them as a reference, etc. But what about the other way around? An employer will fire or lay you off with zero notice and they can do so for whatever reason they want unless it is for a protected class reason. Why do they deserve more consideration and respect than I do? I was always taught to treat others how they treat you and if the employer will fire/lay you off without notice why should I give notice when I am quitting? Where is their professionalism and respect for me?

**From an American Perspective**

Why should I give a two weeks notice, or any notice for that matter?

People always talk about how it is basic professionalism and respect. That it protects your relationship with the employer so you can use them as a reference, etc. But what about the other way around? An employer will fire or lay you off with zero notice and they can do so for whatever reason they want unless it is for a protected class reason. Why do they deserve more consideration and respect than I do? I was always taught to treat others how they treat you and if the employer will fire/lay you off without notice why should I give notice when I am quitting? Where is their professionalism and respect for me?

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