
Expropriation and the Abolition of Private Property

Corporations are dictatorships against the working classes. Their structure is entirely top down. You don't get to vote in the leadership. You don't get to vote for policies. Corporations are the epitome of dictatorial structures, as tyrannical as any government that has existed. Look at how Elon Musk gets to treat his employees. Ending private property — which means private ownership of the means of production, not the end of small personal property — is a necessity if we want a democratic future. This means expropriation of private property in the name of the people.

Corporations are dictatorships against the working classes. Their structure is entirely top down. You don't get to vote in the leadership. You don't get to vote for policies. Corporations are the epitome of dictatorial structures, as tyrannical as any government that has existed. Look at how Elon Musk gets to treat his employees.

Ending private property — which means private ownership of the means of production, not the end of small personal property — is a necessity if we want a democratic future. This means expropriation of private property in the name of the people.

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