
f the pink carrier

Don't know why people say it but since I see it said a lot. I'm on mobile so sorry about formatting. My husband (H) recently got fired from the pink phone carrier. His assistant manager (AM) and him were talking about mall shootings that had happened in our state. H made the comment that the scary thing is that you can never know who has a gun since we're in a concealed carry state. They finished the conversation and H goes out to his car to get his wallet since he forgot it and wanted to go buy something. Well while doing this AM sends him a text telling him that he keeps his gun in his car while at work and he should to. H replies ok thanks. AM then send another text saying H needs to put his gun in his car now. H respond with I don't…

Don't know why people say it but since I see it said a lot. I'm on mobile so sorry about formatting.

My husband (H) recently got fired from the pink phone carrier. His assistant manager (AM) and him were talking about mall shootings that had happened in our state. H made the comment that the scary thing is that you can never know who has a gun since we're in a concealed carry state. They finished the conversation and H goes out to his car to get his wallet since he forgot it and wanted to go buy something. Well while doing this AM sends him a text telling him that he keeps his gun in his car while at work and he should to. H replies ok thanks. AM then send another text saying H needs to put his gun in his car now. H respond with I don't know what you're talking about but he figured out that AM thought he had a gun on him. That's the end of the text and out of sight out of mind right? Nope. The manager (M) calls H into the back 2-3 days later to discuss this incident. H shows the texts says he doesn't carry while at work and that's it. Next week H had off with me since I had a death in my family. The following week the distract manager calls H 2 hours before he has to go in and says H is on paid leave while they investigate the situation. They then send him a statement form to explain his side. Super long story short. They said he had a gun on him at work and he's fired for breaking workplace violence policy. H and for a copy of the investigation report but they “can't give those out”. M's husband works for loss prevention. H had reported this at the start of the investigation. According to one of his coworkers M had told her husband and AM that she's scared of H and worried he might shoot the place up. It's so annoying cuz this is clearly (to me and H at least) retaliation for him telling about M and her husband (which is also against the hand book especially since he does the audits for her store). H is having a hard time finding a job right now. He has a degree in IT and took this job 3 years ago since they told him they'd transfer him to IT after a year. We're both worried. I don't make enough for us to live off of alone. He's applied for unemployment and food stamps but there's no guarantee that he'll get them. Where are all these so called jobs that people talk about and why is it so damn expensive to live?

TL/DR: husband gets fired from pink phone carrier after 1 conversation and is struggling to find a job

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