
F the security industry, and a big FU to the company I work for.

First time poster, long time lurker. I work for a large security company here in NZ, who would be the worst company I have ever worked for. The whole operation is a large toxic, flaming dumpster fire run by a megalomaniac and a bunch of his mates. We've been lied to, threatened, and people are leaving almost every month. The supervisor is also lying to the company they contract to. Usually I enjoy my job, but I'm not going to put up with the BS any longer. I handed my notice in, only to get a “We're sorry to see you go “. Yeah whatever. Thankfully I'm out of there at the end of the month, and onto better and brighter things!

First time poster, long time lurker. I work for a large security company here in NZ, who would be the worst company I have ever worked for. The whole operation is a large toxic, flaming dumpster fire run by a megalomaniac and a bunch of his mates.

We've been lied to, threatened, and people are leaving almost every month. The supervisor is also lying to the company they contract to.

Usually I enjoy my job, but I'm not going to put up with the BS any longer. I handed my notice in, only to get a “We're sorry to see you go “. Yeah whatever.

Thankfully I'm out of there at the end of the month, and onto better and brighter things!

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