
Fake it until you make it.

I just want to know how many people have used a fake college degree to get a job? I’m currently in school for a particular study however I am really considering getting a fake diploma made just to get me in the door at places. I’m sick of my current desk job and the pay cut we received is wayyyy to much for me to buy a new house like I originally planned. I was wanting to know if anyone has done it and if so how successful were you ?

I just want to know how many people have used a fake college degree to get a job? I’m currently in school for a particular study however I am really considering getting a fake diploma made just to get me in the door at places. I’m sick of my current desk job and the pay cut we received is wayyyy to much for me to buy a new house like I originally planned. I was wanting to know if anyone has done it and if so how successful were you ?

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