
False write up

So I had an issue the other day at work and had to speak to my manager and shift lead about it. Received an email write up to respond to and it is full of inaccuracies and down right lies. I am so pissed off and haven’t responded yet but it’s just such bullshit that a client can cuss you out and yell at you and then accuse you of doing that very thing and you get in trouble for it.

So I had an issue the other day at work and had to speak to my manager and shift lead about it. Received an email write up to respond to and it is full of inaccuracies and down right lies. I am so pissed off and haven’t responded yet but it’s just such bullshit that a client can cuss you out and yell at you and then accuse you of doing that very thing and you get in trouble for it.

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