
Family medical emergency

I posted a screenshot of a convo between my boss and I today and it got removed for not being Sunday but, not before there were some unsympathetic responses so, lemme give more detail and, perhaps my frustration will be understood. I’m my dad’s sole caregiver. My boss knows this. Saturday, my dad basically lost his mind. Hallucinations, not sleeping, agitated. He’s on hospice, my boss also knows this. I’ve been working with hospice & a caregiving service so I could get some sleep at night. Last night, the caregiver I hired woke me up at 4:30 in the morning to tell me my dad was asking to go to the bathroom and she wondered if it was #1 or #2. Mind you, I’ve probably had 8 hours of sleep in the past 72 hours and I had to have a prescription medication increased to get me to sleep last…

I posted a screenshot of a convo between my boss and I today and it got removed for not being Sunday but, not before there were some unsympathetic responses so, lemme give more detail and, perhaps my frustration will be understood.

I’m my dad’s sole caregiver. My boss knows this.

Saturday, my dad basically lost his mind. Hallucinations, not sleeping, agitated.

He’s on hospice, my boss also knows this.

I’ve been working with hospice & a caregiving service so I could get some sleep at night.

Last night, the caregiver I hired woke me up at 4:30 in the morning to tell me my dad was asking to go to the bathroom and she wondered if it was #1 or #2. Mind you, I’ve probably had 8 hours of sleep in the past 72 hours and I had to have a prescription medication increased to get me to sleep last night. A hospice nurse impressed upon the caregiver last night the importance of me getting sleep.

That was it.

I had said to hospice many times that, had he not been on hospice, I would have taken him to the emergency room.

I called 911, got my dad into the emergency room. He’s being admitted for delirium (thank goodness, I really think he needs more intensive medical care to keep him comfortable).

So, I texted my boss this morning just saying that I had a rough night and that I was currently in the emergency room with my dad and needed to take the day off.

My boss expressed his sympathy and then asked me if I’d be processing payments this week… and I was like… I did… I sent them to you yesterday morning and he’s like oh I’ll have to check my email.

I can assure you. In the face of death, I don’t give a flying fuck about payments. But, regardless, despite my sleep deprived, stressed state, yesterday, I powered through… only for my boss to ask me if I had done a core part of my job that he ignored yesterday.

I just found it rude and insensitive.

Tl;dr caring for a dying family member > work nonsense

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