
Fast Food boss treats myself and other employees like shit. I’m putting in my two weeks soon.

Yet another Fast Food gem here folks. So, I'm 21 m, and I've been working at the same fast food joint for about a year and a half give or take. When I first started, I was dealing with some severe mental health issues that made it damn near impossible for me to socialize with others, coupled with the fact that I honestly used to just straight up suck at everything I did. Thankfully I worked through my issues and have gotten MUCH better at my job since then. Unfortunaetly, I was denied a raise because of my performance in that period. No biggie, I didn't deserve it anyway, and make a decent enough wage for the work I do. I told myself that I was going to improve because I wanted to get better at my job so I could earn even more money, so I did. Flash forward…

Yet another Fast Food gem here folks. So, I'm 21 m, and I've been working at the same fast food joint for about a year and a half give or take. When I first started, I was dealing with some severe mental health issues that made it damn near impossible for me to socialize with others, coupled with the fact that I honestly used to just straight up suck at everything I did. Thankfully I worked through my issues and have gotten MUCH better at my job since then. Unfortunaetly, I was denied a raise because of my performance in that period. No biggie, I didn't deserve it anyway, and make a decent enough wage for the work I do. I told myself that I was going to improve because I wanted to get better at my job so I could earn even more money, so I did. Flash forward to the current review period. By this point, most managers and team members genuinely enjoy working with me because of the massive improvement of my quality of work, and I feel the same towards them. Because of this, I was confident that I had that raise locked. Lo and behold, I didn't get it. The kicker is that my reviewer (who happens to be the number 3 manager at our restauraunt) pulled me aside and told me that every single manager we have voted in favor of giving me the raise… except our GM. Our GM is just a piece of shit, to the point where more people are quitting because of him rather than the upcoming school semester. I've bent over backwards for this guy, coming in on my days off and extending the length of my shifts with just a few hours notice purely because I needed the money. Hell, there was one day where I was scheduled for a 6 hour shift, and ended up working 11 hours, and was only given one thirty minute break. You'd think with all my hard work and every other manager's approval, the old fart would feel somewhat inclined to give me the raise, especially when I already scored high enough on our point system to warrant one. But nope, nada. I've got a couple more stories about this fuck, but this little essay is getting bloated anyway so I'll cut to the chase. I've got a paid internship with a very well known and prestiged IT company in the works; the head of IT and myself had a chat just the other day where he mentioned that internships usually start at 18 bucks an hour (more than 3 dollars more than what I make now) and that he really enjoyed our disucssions and was eager to get me on the team. On our last talk, he said he would talk to his superior about putting together an offer letter, and when that sucker comes in, I'm putting in my two weeks at my fast food place. Know your worth people, because those in “power” sure as hell do and will do anything to keep you from realizing it.

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