
Fast food job never schedules me to work and I just hit my two year anniversary.

So as I said in the title I hit two years on September 12th and even though they gave me treats and stuff I don’t get scheduled the 20 hours I’m available. I usually get one day or two. Which is okay I don’t really like working. But I have to make some money because I’m a college and have a bill to pay. I’m not sure if I should just quit now or just wait until I secure a new job? They make me feel useless because they never schedule me.

So as I said in the title I hit two years on September 12th and even though they gave me treats and stuff I don’t get scheduled the 20 hours I’m available. I usually get one day or two. Which is okay I don’t really like working. But I have to make some money because I’m a college and have a bill to pay. I’m not sure if I should just quit now or just wait until I secure a new job? They make me feel useless because they never schedule me.

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