
Fast food workers are treated like crap

So this is somewhat of a rant. I’m 17 and work in the food industry. I was waiting on tables yesterday and it was me and a new guy who barely knew how to do the job running the store because everyone else decided to call out. We were busy and I was constantly shuffling with helping him cook my orders and taking care of the customers. I had one guy come in and sit at the bar, and I politely greeted him and told him that I would be with him in a minute as I was trying to get food out to my tables. So im standing there cooking when out of nowhere he aggressively yells at me saying “I know you heard me, can I at least get a menu?!” I didn’t hear him the first time because the grill is loud and I made it clear…

So this is somewhat of a rant. I’m 17 and work in the food industry. I was waiting on tables yesterday and it was me and a new guy who barely knew how to do the job running the store because everyone else decided to call out. We were busy and I was constantly shuffling with helping him cook my orders and taking care of the customers. I had one guy come in and sit at the bar, and I politely greeted him and told him that I would be with him in a minute as I was trying to get food out to my tables. So im standing there cooking when out of nowhere he aggressively yells at me saying “I know you heard me, can I at least get a menu?!” I didn’t hear him the first time because the grill is loud and I made it clear that I would be there in a minute. I mean he can clearly see me trying to finish up my cooking. I turn around and was so taken aback by his tone of voice, he then proceeds to almost get in my face staring hard at me telling me that we could take this outside and that we wouldn’t have to tell anybody. He says he’s not from here and that I better watch how I treat him, like the world revolves around him or something. He says he’ll be waiting outside for when I get off. My coworker noticed and they start verbally fighting.

The whole thing was hysterical and the rest of the night was a blur. I was taking his order trying to keep it together. Anyway this isn’t the first time something like this happened. We’ve had plenty of situations so bad that we’ve had to call the cops multiple times and this wasn’t the first time I’ve had to deal with a situation like this. I don’t know why but that particular event really wore me down and I’m so done with work. When shit like this keeps happening it takes a toll. I’ve been with this company for two years and my base pay is fourteen an hour when cooking and two dollar an hour waiting on tables. It’s been more than a day later and I’m still heavily effected from that interaction. I’m telling my manager I’m quitting tomorrow. Im beyond tired of the disrespect and the shit that we put up with. I shouldn’t have to go to work everyday hoping that things will at least be semi-normal when they never are.

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