
Father being punished at work after his paycheck was intentionally incorrect.

My father has been a forklift driver for around 20 years. He started working for what was formerly known as the UPS freight division about nine years ago. The company has since sold part of their freight division to another company (censored for anonymity). He worked on the dock as a forklift driver up until this January, when he was trained to use the jockey trucks. His pay increased from $23 to $29 an hour whenever he does this. That's a huge difference for us. Last week they didn't pay him around $230 that he made from driving the truck. He had to file a grievance because of this. They ended up having him come in and explain why they needed to pay him. They did it again this week, this time $290 off. They did this to the only other person on his shift who drives the jockey trucks…

My father has been a forklift driver for around 20 years. He started working for what was formerly known as the UPS freight division about nine years ago. The company has since sold part of their freight division to another company (censored for anonymity).

He worked on the dock as a forklift driver up until this January, when he was trained to use the jockey trucks. His pay increased from $23 to $29 an hour whenever he does this. That's a huge difference for us.

Last week they didn't pay him around $230 that he made from driving the truck. He had to file a grievance because of this. They ended up having him come in and explain why they needed to pay him. They did it again this week, this time $290 off. They did this to the only other person on his shift who drives the jockey trucks too.

He talked to the terminal manager, who is a step up from his regular manager. The man basically told him that he'll “pay him when he can” and if my father files a grievance with the union representative, he'll be forced to clock in on the dock and when he goes to jockeying, instead of driving the truck all day. He would be losing $250 a week from that.

The terminal manager had all of the semi trucks pulled away from the dock today so that if my father wanted to jockey he would have to move them in a 90° box for three hours. Which he then did. He got home tonight with a migraine for the first time since he was a teenager, and his entire body was sore. He texted me at work that he was light headed and wanted to head home around 8:00 p.m, but ended up home at 11:00 instead.

I feel like some aspect of this is illegal and I can't stand to watch the hardest working individual there be drug through the mud by this asshole for no reason. Is there anything he can do here?

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