
Fed up with this “It’s so easy, just do this…” attitude

Just another example of privileged people not realizing how privileged they are. My husband (35) was talking to his sister (32) not too long ago about how life and everything is going when the topic of rent was brought up. My husband tells her how expensive it is in Seattle as we we pay $3000+ every month just in rent and utilities. (He was on speakerphone which is why I heard) I hear her respond, “Why don’t you just start saving money for a house instead of throwing your money down the drain?” I stopped dead in my tracks and felt my head nearly explode from the ignorance. This, coming from a person who’s parents bought her the condo she owns now. This, coming from a person who’s parents subsidize her mortgage payments every month. This, coming from a person who said she was able to put $15,000 down on…

Just another example of privileged people not realizing how privileged they are.
My husband (35) was talking to his sister (32) not too long ago about how life and everything is going when the topic of rent was brought up.
My husband tells her how expensive it is in Seattle as we we pay $3000+ every month just in rent and utilities.
(He was on speakerphone which is why I heard)
I hear her respond, “Why don’t you just start saving money for a house instead of throwing your money down the drain?”
I stopped dead in my tracks and felt my head nearly explode from the ignorance.
This, coming from a person who’s parents bought her the condo she owns now.
This, coming from a person who’s parents subsidize her mortgage payments every month.
This, coming from a person who said she was able to put $15,000 down on a car to lower her monthly payment when half of that money came from her new BF.
This, coming from a person who has been given multiple cars throughout her life, parents funded her college without need for grants or scholarships, and more that I don’t care to list off.

I am just truly stunned. Yes, we would love to be able to save that $3000 every month and put it toward a house but that’s not reality.
The reality is rent is only getting more expensive by the year which forces us to keep renting because we can’t save.
The reality is gas is over $5 a gallon and even though I recently got a better job paying a few dollars more, that few extra dollars is now going to go toward the new commute and the rising cost of gas.
The reality is a majority of people do not have parents in their life that can always help them financially throughout their life.

I just feel a little defeated at this point. My husband and I both work our asses off full time, but people just keep saying we’re not working hard enough.

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