
Federally legalizing weed would be in the governments best interest to create a population of wage slaves. “I can’t wait to get home and smoke a fat blunt” day in and day out. Pothead’s obsession with weed and nothing else keeps them content with a subpar lifestyle.

I know this isn’t every weed smoker isn’t but a huge chunk of them operate like this. They should advertise weed how liquor is advertised on TV, billboards, weed pubs. The general public would be so mellow that they wouldn’t even notice the government fucking us over, wake and bake, go to work toke during breaks, get off smoke eat sleep and repeat.

I know this isn’t every weed smoker isn’t but a huge chunk of them operate like this. They should advertise weed how liquor is advertised on TV, billboards, weed pubs. The general public would be so mellow that they wouldn’t even notice the government fucking us over, wake and bake, go to work toke during breaks, get off smoke eat sleep and repeat.

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