
Feedback I just gave my company

Like a lot of companies right now, my employer is feeling the crunch after years of understaffing and workers finally saying “I’ve had enough.” We’ve lost a lot of our most experienced subject matter experts in the last year. Here’s my response I gave to their supposedly “anonymous” survey. I don’t care if it’s really not anonymous and they find out it’s me. They created this monster. I’m also destroying them on Glassdoor. Advice for management: “Invest in the company instead of enriching stockholders with stock buybacks? Maybe staff your service teams so that clients, and by extension employees, don't hate you as a company? Maybe use some of your vast resources to actually improve systems and processes, instead of constantly creating new middle and senior level managers to “manage” things? Those of us on the front-lines daily interacting with YOUR clients are impoverished and worn out, so maybe you…

Like a lot of companies right now, my employer is feeling the crunch after years of understaffing and workers finally saying “I’ve had enough.” We’ve lost a lot of our most experienced subject matter experts in the last year. Here’s my response I gave to their supposedly “anonymous” survey. I don’t care if it’s really not anonymous and they find out it’s me. They created this monster. I’m also destroying them on Glassdoor.

Advice for management: “Invest in the company instead of enriching stockholders with stock buybacks? Maybe staff your service teams so that clients, and by extension employees, don't hate you as a company? Maybe use some of your vast resources to actually improve systems and processes, instead of constantly creating new middle and senior level managers to “manage” things? Those of us on the front-lines daily interacting with YOUR clients are impoverished and worn out, so maybe you could throw us peasants some of the scraps off your finished dinner plates.”

Edited to add grammar

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