
Feeling incredibly guilty for quitting an abusive workplace..

I just need to rant… So basically 6 months ago I started a new job. I moved across the country away from my family and friends to a very rural area. I was super excited to start this job (my first 'real' job), but it honestly turned out to be a disaster. There is no work culture and all of my coworkers exclude me from events. There was a Halloween party for the company and no one bothered to tell me about it. I have one coworker who badmouths me to the boss. And my boss is a nightmare and constantly throws out accusations toward me that are clearly not true but she doesn't care. No one sticks up for me. Not only that, there is no direction, and I get no feedback on my work, even if I ask for it. The town is really closed-minded, and had more…

I just need to rant…

So basically 6 months ago I started a new job. I moved across the country away from my family and friends to a very rural area. I was super excited to start this job (my first 'real' job), but it honestly turned out to be a disaster. There is no work culture and all of my coworkers exclude me from events. There was a Halloween party for the company and no one bothered to tell me about it. I have one coworker who badmouths me to the boss. And my boss is a nightmare and constantly throws out accusations toward me that are clearly not true but she doesn't care. No one sticks up for me. Not only that, there is no direction, and I get no feedback on my work, even if I ask for it. The town is really closed-minded, and had more homophobic and racist remarks than I ever had. I'm so sick of people staring at me and making little comments under their breath. I'm miserable.

I thought I could stick it out, but my mental health is absolute garbage right now and if I stay, I would be stuck in a snowy, rural area with no connections with a job I hate. I reached out to my parents and they've generously thrown me a safety net and said I can move back home until I find another job. I really didn't want to quit, but even my dad (a “pull oneself up by one's bootstraps” guy) told me its time to leave and told me that this isn't normal.

I am feeling so guilty about this…. But I don't want to! For some reason, I still feel responsible for doing work, but at the same time, I'm not respected at all. I'm just tired…

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