
Feeling Stuck in a company that doesn’t care about my spouse’s health problems

I started a new job a few months ago that was supposed to be work from home with minimal interference from management about how you plan out your day. Well, I just had an employee review where my boss interrogated me about why I clocked off in the middle of the day for a few hours before clocking back on to finish working. Just a few short hours, where I didn’t cost the company a fucking penny. So I told them it was to take my spouse to an emergency Doctors visit and my boss told me that wasn’t going to work and that those have to be pre-approved by her before I do anything like that. I should not have to explain that I was up all night with my spouse trying to keep them from commuting suicide, due to mental health problems. I also shouldn’t have to seek…

I started a new job a few months ago that was supposed to be work from home with minimal interference from management about how you plan out your day. Well, I just had an employee review where my boss interrogated me about why I clocked off in the middle of the day for a few hours before clocking back on to finish working. Just a few short hours, where I didn’t cost the company a fucking penny.
So I told them it was to take my spouse to an emergency Doctors visit and my boss told me that wasn’t going to work and that those have to be pre-approved by her before I do anything like that. I should not have to explain that I was up all night with my spouse trying to keep them from commuting suicide, due to mental health problems. I also shouldn’t have to seek my bosses approval for a fucking EMERGENCY appointment that I didn’t have the time to get pre-approval. Which I was told I didn’t need to do when I was hired. I was so fucking angry I was literally shaking and taking everything I had to not yell out, “Fuck you” and quit on the spot.
But I don’t have a choice, we can’t afford for me to lose my job right now. I’m looking for other jobs but I’m struggling to find anything I can do and both my spouse and I are still finishing college so it’s difficult to get one that pays worth a damn without my embroidered piece of paper saying I know how to do something I already knew.
I’m just so fucking sick of all the fucking corporate inhumane bullshit! Oh, and to add insult to injury, my boss and my other boss went to a doctors appointment in the middle of the day without telling anyone and no one could reach them. I fucking hate this job and all this fucking corporate shit, but if they think I’m going to seek pre approval for another emergency appointment they can come pickup my shitty remote work computer themselves.

Sorry for the rant, I just need to fucking vent. But it’s not like I have a choice but to stay at this shithole for a while longer

Stuck at company.

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