
Feels like I’m getting pushed out at work

I've been getting the feeling lately that my boss doesn't want me to be a part of her team anymore. I'll try to break this down as simply as possible. I manage the relationship with a vendor who provides a platform that gets used by a couple thousand sales people internally. We launched the platform earlier this year and, while things haven't gone “swimmingly,” I'd say they've gone pretty well. This partner recently reached out to use asking if we'd like to co-present on a webinar with them as a use case. The other colleague on my team (she is more junior to me), jumped in almost immediately. I decided to wait until my boss gave the go-ahead. Turns out, as I'd find out a week later, she and my colleague are both going to present together. My boss, knowing that I manage this relationship and the overall program, did…

I've been getting the feeling lately that my boss doesn't want me to be a part of her team anymore. I'll try to break this down as simply as possible. I manage the relationship with a vendor who provides a platform that gets used by a couple thousand sales people internally. We launched the platform earlier this year and, while things haven't gone “swimmingly,” I'd say they've gone pretty well. This partner recently reached out to use asking if we'd like to co-present on a webinar with them as a use case. The other colleague on my team (she is more junior to me), jumped in almost immediately. I decided to wait until my boss gave the go-ahead.

Turns out, as I'd find out a week later, she and my colleague are both going to present together. My boss, knowing that I manage this relationship and the overall program, did not ask if I wanted to take part. When I asked her about this today, she basically said “well, you never raised your hand…” which, while true, is irrelevant to the fact that I lead the program, not my colleague! And my boss didn't say “you know what, you're right, you should really be on this”. Just “oh, I don't know if they can add you at this point.” It left me feeling frustrated, confused, and honestly, a bit worried about my future at the company.

In addition to this, she has not taken any time this quarter to provide feedback on how I'm doing, even though we just wrapped up review period. Should I be worried? How should I handle the webinar thing? I don't like the feeling that colleagues are stepping on my toes and my boss is not only not stopping it, but seemingly encouraging it.

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