
Fellow co-worker humiliated in front of entire staff

Had a bit of a bad experience at work today. I work part time at two different organizations that both have very good ties with one another. I have agreements with both so that my schedule and priorities don’t conflict with one another. Let’s call them A and B for sake of privacy and stuff. I’ve been out sick for the past couple weeks, couldn’t work a couple shifts at workplace A, so the manager there reached out to a co-worker of mine workplace B to ask if they could pick up the shift (the night before so it was very last minute). They picked up my shift at workplace A, effectively saving the day because they were very understaffed. Today, after work at workplace B, the manager there got the entire staff together to point out that my co-worker should not have picked up my shift, and went on…

Had a bit of a bad experience at work today. I work part time at two different organizations that both have very good ties with one another. I have agreements with both so that my schedule and priorities don’t conflict with one another. Let’s call them A and B for sake of privacy and stuff. I’ve been out sick for the past couple weeks, couldn’t work a couple shifts at workplace A, so the manager there reached out to a co-worker of mine workplace B to ask if they could pick up the shift (the night before so it was very last minute). They picked up my shift at workplace A, effectively saving the day because they were very understaffed. Today, after work at workplace B, the manager there got the entire staff together to point out that my co-worker should not have picked up my shift, and went on a long rant about company loyalty. It’s good to keep in mind that my manager is full time, and everyone else works part time. This manager also frequently fucks with part time employees timesheets, and underpaying them without their knowledge, until they get their paystub in the mail. So after humiliating this co-worker, he then goes on to explain to a bunch of teenagers and 20 year olds that our entire generation is unloyal.
I believe that this manager had no right to say where this coworker can or can’t work, as that is their own time.

This whole thing went down in front of the entire staff and no doubt had a big impact on this coworker.

Thoughts on this???

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