
Felt like I was being used, friend from work confirmed I basically am

Just need to vent this out, to have some context I have been working at x company for 5 years. The only thing I have been offered was an assistant management role for one area, which I accepted. Nothing else. I would say I do 90% of the work in my department and properly, with a team of 8, manager is completely useless but seems to have all higher ups under her thumb some how. Since they think she works very hard and is in control. Typical management nothing new with that. Come today, my friend who is more new and was only hired under a year ago, (decent worker) was offered a management role for another department, which is higher than my role… Despite the obvious desperation, I feel like I have been back stabbed in a way…….. since the promotion falls under my department and not my friend…

Just need to vent this out, to have some context I have been working at x company for 5 years. The only thing I have been offered was an assistant management role for one area, which I accepted. Nothing else. I would say I do 90% of the work in my department and properly, with a team of 8, manager is completely useless but seems to have all higher ups under her thumb some how. Since they think she works very hard and is in control. Typical management nothing new with that.

Come today, my friend who is more new and was only hired under a year ago, (decent worker) was offered a management role for another department, which is higher than my role… Despite the obvious desperation, I feel like I have been back stabbed in a way…….. since the promotion falls under my department and not my friend who is in a completely different area.

I would like to add that I'm still young (22) and that friend is too, is this kind of thing the norm? Does this typically happen? I also feel like theirs some sexism at my work place because the people who recently get promotions are all females, offered by older men.

Would love some opinions to, maybe I am just reading this all wrong.

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