
Fighting for $10k in backpay cus employer decreased salary without any documentation

I worked for a clinic for almost a year and it was a wild ride. Im on this subreddit to get some advice on what to do next. I worked for a clinic for a few months that suffered from severe mismanagement at the top. The clinic was sold to another clinic and thus the problems came. After the change in ownership, I did not receive and have yet to receive paystubs for 2 months. Then the owner sent out a memo stating that everyone from the previous company had been fired and rehired, and that “wages and salaries will remain the same unless otherwise stated.” Then the owner decreased my salary by 20k, but the problem is that not only did I not agree to this, but he also never got it in writing, only verbal on a non-recorded business line. After my coworkers quit, he increased my salary…

I worked for a clinic for almost a year and it was a wild ride. Im on this subreddit to get some advice on what to do next.

I worked for a clinic for a few months that suffered from severe mismanagement at the top. The clinic was sold to another clinic and thus the problems came. After the change in ownership, I did not receive and have yet to receive paystubs for 2 months. Then the owner sent out a memo stating that everyone from the previous company had been fired and rehired, and that “wages and salaries will remain the same unless otherwise stated.” Then the owner decreased my salary by 20k, but the problem is that not only did I not agree to this, but he also never got it in writing, only verbal on a non-recorded business line. After my coworkers quit, he increased my salary by 5k, but all my paystubs I have received do not reflect the 5k raise.

To add insult to injury, it’s been a week since payday and have not received my last paycheck. I went in the all staff chat and called the owner out, then he predictably texted stating I was supposed to received my check by the end of the day, but then implied it would be longer now. I don’t believe him because he’s waited 3 months to send my coworker’s last check.

So now 6 months later after finding another job, I want the rest of the money I’m owed. Since he decreased my salary by 20k without any documentation, combined with his memo, I lost roughly 10k in wages. I fully intend on going to the Maryland labor department or an employment lawyer but wanted to know if I had other options or was missing something.

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