
Filed a Formal Complaint to the Government About Unethical Business Practices my Previous Employer has done.

As the title says. ​ Thanks to this subreddit, I've finally had the confidence to submit an official complaint to the government. Typically, I'd just follow whatever the hell an employer says to me and treat it as law. But from reading all of your comments, posts, and advice, I knew what they were doing was 100% unethical and borderline illegal. ​ Again, I just want to thank this subreddit and all its contributors.

As the title says.

Thanks to this subreddit, I've finally had the confidence to submit an official complaint to the government. Typically, I'd just follow whatever the hell an employer says to me and treat it as law. But from reading all of your comments, posts, and advice, I knew what they were doing was 100% unethical and borderline illegal.

Again, I just want to thank this subreddit and all its contributors.

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