
Final day after five years of labour!

I've worked for a small business almost five years. There was no formal training, fully self taught and at the time I would say I was obsessed with work due to being so passionate in admin then sales. Sending the resignation letter was one of the most satisfying things mentally three weeks ago. The lack of support, acknowledgment and constant criticism took it's toll on me the last two years. Not to mention the boss only felt like being a boss when it suited and it was not unusual to have him drop off the face of the earth for a few days or only contact after hours and weekends. The past three weeks have kept confirming the decision is the right one. According to him any mistakes being made (usually due to lack of communication and the fact I'm not the tradie so don't know the technical side) will…

I've worked for a small business almost five years. There was no formal training, fully self taught and at the time I would say I was obsessed with work due to being so passionate in admin then sales.
Sending the resignation letter was one of the most satisfying things mentally three weeks ago.
The lack of support, acknowledgment and constant criticism took it's toll on me the last two years. Not to mention the boss only felt like being a boss when it suited and it was not unusual to have him drop off the face of the earth for a few days or only contact after hours and weekends.
The past three weeks have kept confirming the decision is the right one. According to him any mistakes being made (usually due to lack of communication and the fact I'm not the tradie so don't know the technical side) will be ironed out with him taking over and it'll run heaps he better. Meanwhile I'm thinking no offence buddy but why not sack my arse ages ago if you thought this.
I'm looking forward to hearing how it will all bomb because he never has time for his business and all the sudden will have to step up.
Today being the last day no communication via call, text or email regarding anything important. Until 6pm tonight. Not my problem now.
On a side note I would have loved to quit immediately but like many people on here bills to pay, didn't want to give him any reason to drag his feet paying out leave and any remaining super (live in Australia).
Start the new job Monday feeling optimistic the environment will be much more supportive

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