
Final days.

Today is my second last day at one of the worst jobs I've ever had. To set the scene, I was working as a data entry clerk in pathology, absolutely loved that job. It was easy work, good pay and a lot of time to listen to music or a book while I worked. About eight months in my friend offers me a job in IT distribution. More money, work from home three days a week..very tempting. At first I turned it down as I was very comfortable and my commute to work was less than 15 mins door to door. After contemplating the role and realising I had nothing to lose by taking the job (old job said they'd have me back in a heartbeat) I decided to apply and managed to smash the interview “woo hoo!” I thought.. Cut to two weeks into the job. I hadn't been…

Today is my second last day at one of the worst jobs I've ever had.

To set the scene, I was working as a data entry clerk in pathology, absolutely loved that job. It was easy work, good pay and a lot of time to listen to music or a book while I worked.

About eight months in my friend offers me a job in IT distribution. More money, work from home three days a week..very tempting.
At first I turned it down as I was very comfortable and my commute to work was less than 15 mins door to door.

After contemplating the role and realising I had nothing to lose by taking the job (old job said they'd have me back in a heartbeat) I decided to apply and managed to smash the interview “woo hoo!” I thought..

Cut to two weeks into the job. I hadn't been trained on anything and was expected to just “pick it up”

The role was sort of like data entry but you actually have to bang your head against the wall and make a blood sacrifice to get the system they use to work properly.

Anyway so there I was stressing away at a job I knew absolutely nothing about while working in a team of people who were also not trained very well but had been there much much longer than I. Each day was a nightmare of neverending emails complaining about my work being inaccurate and to fix it (if only I knew how!)

Flash forward six months to me pretty much having a mental breakdown due to how much work is expected from me and I have still yet to be trained properly. I kept being told “training is coming, just keep positive and push through”

The stress was having a considerable effect on my health. I was having panic attacks about how much work needed to be done that I had no idea how to do and a manager that also didn't know how to do it.

I tried communicating with HR that I wasn't coping in the role under these circumstances and they just gave me the usual spiel.

I had basically given up and decided to contact my old boss to get my old job back.

He was delighted to hear from me and we worked out the details for when I had to come back.

I looked into my contract for this place and they require FOUR WEEKS NOTICE.. I couldn't believe it but apparently it's normal for this industry (I've only been there 5 months!)

So I grit my teeth and write my resignation to HR and my manager and call it a day.

They replied within the hour saying not to discuss this with anyone and that they would like to schedule a meeting with me.

I was laughing at this point because before this email they hadn't taken any action to make sure I was comfortable or manage my requests for proper training but the second I resigned it was all eyes on me? Haha!

It's been four weeks and the meeting still hasn't happened. They didn't even try to keep me even after my friend warned HR that they were going to lose a good staff member if they failed to act now.

The place has been losing staff left and right and I honestly can't understand how a company can operate like this while thinking things will just work out.

Anyways, I start back at my old job next week and couldn't be happier.

Put your mental and physical health first because a company like that sure as shit won't do so.

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