
Final straw for me. Co-worker dropped dead at work, and when we called the emergency line security told us not to touch him.

He fell out from a heart attack and was laying gasping for air. Security arrived before paramedics and told everyone to stay back and dont touch him. He was obviously dying. He may have been beyond saving but the fact we were told to stay back and dont touch him has rattled me me in ways I cant describe. I work at a very large manufacturing facility and there is an on-site medical facility, and also onsite firefighters and paramedics as well. This is abhorrent, and I cant focus on anything other than this shit

He fell out from a heart attack and was laying gasping for air. Security arrived before paramedics and told everyone to stay back and dont touch him. He was obviously dying. He may have been beyond saving but the fact we were told to stay back and dont touch him has rattled me me in ways I cant describe.

I work at a very large manufacturing facility and there is an on-site medical facility, and also onsite firefighters and paramedics as well. This is abhorrent, and I cant focus on anything other than this shit

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