
finally found a job I liked, but..

I work at a mom and pop gas station in a Texas small town. I'm from the west coast. I've worked in production, hospitality, cleaning, and a couple big box stores. All of them sucked. Filled with corporate assholes. Managers didn't care about you, I'm sure you all know the drill. That's why we're in r/antiwork Well instead of working for 15/hr at those terrible jobs, now I'm down to 8/hr. The manager, Linda, makes 10. The guy who owns the store is well off. His sons come by to check on me when I work by myself. They get gas for free, any nicotine products for free, snacks and whatever else for their friends at no charge. They are really cool people, they aren't bad. It's a very laid back store and it's easy work. They don't get mad if I make mistakes and they help me out when…

I work at a mom and pop gas station in a Texas small town.

I'm from the west coast. I've worked in production, hospitality, cleaning, and a couple big box stores. All of them sucked. Filled with corporate assholes. Managers didn't care about you, I'm sure you all know the drill. That's why we're in r/antiwork

Well instead of working for 15/hr at those terrible jobs, now I'm down to 8/hr. The manager, Linda, makes 10. The guy who owns the store is well off. His sons come by to check on me when I work by myself. They get gas for free, any nicotine products for free, snacks and whatever else for their friends at no charge.

They are really cool people, they aren't bad. It's a very laid back store and it's easy work. They don't get mad if I make mistakes and they help me out when they come by. But the thing is that I really really wish I was paid more. Yknow I'm not expecting 15/hr but 12 would be cool. But not even the manager makes that much.

I love my coworkers and my regulars that I've gotten to know. Ive always wanted a store of my own so taking care of it is awesome. The work is easy, I can vape inside lol. But I make roughly 240 a week. I got this job at first because I had just moved and needed income. I fell in love with it, and now I know I need to find something else because it's just not sustainable. I'm really f*cking upset about it, and I'm dragging my feet finding a new job because I really don't want to give this up. Ok that's the rant 🙁

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